Thursday, September 5, 2013

And so I'll begin...

A few weeks ago, I was talking to my daughter about Justin Timberlake.  He had just done a phenomenal performance on the VMAs with the Nsync boys and I told B how much I liked him and them as a band back in the day.  At 8, she looked at me and shrugged.  I mean, he is no Harry Styles from One Direction Mommy.

But he WAS a version of that to so many girls...and he still is.

What makes this story different than most conversations between a mother and her daughter is that it included me working with JT many times.  The times I got chased into my building at work because the kids who lined up outside at the MTV studios knew I was the gateway to the man who was going to marry them one day.

And when I worked with Justin a few years later while he toiled away on his solo debut, he recognized me and noted how much happier I looked the last time I had seen him (oh, when I was wrestling a 15 year old who had just LICKED the chair he was sitting in?  How could I be happier than THAT moment).  We spent a few days together and chatted about his relationship with Britney and he invited me to the movies with his crew (Star Wars)...I stupidly declined.

At that moment, I realized that I have done some cool shit.  Been in some cool situations that may make me look cool one day when I'm drooling out of one side of my mouth and requiring a diaper change.  Yes, I said cool THREE times in an effort to actually be cool to my child one day.  You are just going to have to deal with the image of me in a diaper.

So that's why I am here.  Blogging.  I am not going to promote this or share it.  If have found me, Welcome!  Know that this is just memories that I am working to get down, so when I am 100, I won't mistake my time at San Quentin with Metallica as my hardcore prison time. 

After I start getting into things, you can probably google me and find me in 1.7 seconds.  I am not famous, but I have worked on some notable shows that it will not be rocket science to narrow it down.  But for now, I am Jane.  Jane Cool.  And I have some stories from the past that I would like to share.  Some will be about people like Justin, who I have opinions on based on my opinions.  Some stories will be about the time my husband and I decided to cross the line from friends to more.  And others will be like the time I found myself on an elevator with Santa Claus, a camel, a Little Person, and a couple of Rockettes.

Ah, the stories I will tell :-)